Monday, June 10, 2013

Our God Reigns! (Psalm 99:1)

Today's scripture: Psalm 99:1

The Lord God reigns! He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving. He is just and holy and righteous. He is good and full of compassion.

We should tremble in His presence—perhaps not literally, but certainly figuratively. We should be so in awe of Him that our hearts shake with humility. Yet how often do we—do I—take Him for granted.

I’m especially convicted as I write these words this morning. So often, I treat my daily time with the Lord as just another task to complete. Instead of anticipating this time with joy, humility, and gratitude, I rush through it, just to get it done. I’m certainly not trembling in awe.

The fact that I can come to the sovereign, reigning Lord and spend time with Him is amazing.
I should come to Him on my knees in wonder and awe. The God of the universe wants to listen to my voice and speak to my heart. And He wants to do the same with you.

Oh, Lord, forgive me for taking You for granted, for not trembling in Your presence. Help me, Holy Spirit, to come to the foot of the throne without distractions—every day.

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