Friday, April 04, 2014

God's Covenants (Psalm 103:17-18)

Today's scripture: Psalm 103:17-18

Our God is a covenant God. This may not seem like much, but that’s only if you don’t really understand covenant. Covenant by definition "is of Latin origin (con venire), meaning a coming together. It presupposes two or more parties who come together to make a contract, agreeing on promises, stipulations, privileges, and responsibilities ... [While covenants between man are bilateral], God initiated, determined the elements, and confirmed his covenant with humanity. It is unilateral. Persons are recipients, not contributors; they are not expected to offer elements to the bond; they are called to accept it as offered, to keep it as demanded, and to receive the results that God, by oath, assures will not be withheld" (, emphasis mine).

So why is this important for us as believers? Because God, the God of the universe, initiates covenant. He chooses to be in relationship with us. He chooses to commit to us whether or not commit to Him. That is so significant.

God made covenant with Abraham, Noah, Moses … and with us. Covenant from the Old Testament was a promise of salvation and redemption. Abraham would be the father of an entire people—the chosen people of God. Noah and his family were the only people saved when God covered the earth with a flood. God "cut covenant" with Noah and promised to never destroy the world in the same way. Moses led God’s chosen people to the land promised to them.

We, however, are blessed with an even greater covenant: We are redeemed through the shedding of Jesus Christ’s blood. God “cut covenant” with us through that blood, and we are saved. We are in relationship with Him.

It’s not about us and what we can do. It’s about Him and what He has already done.

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