Wednesday, April 09, 2014

The Courts of the Lord (Psalm 84:1-2)

Today's scripture: Psalm 84:1-2

I’m so very grateful that God had a plan to reconcile me to Him. Even when I deliberately turned my back on Him for so many years, He waited patiently and lovingly for me to return to His arms.

ow my heart truly yearns to be with Him. For always.

So when I read verses like this, about the dwelling places of my Lord God, I can’t help but long to be in His courts. The Bible gives us a few hints of what those dwelling places are like. Jesus calls our future dwelling places as “mansions” He’s preparing for each of us (John 14:2). And the description of heaven John wrote about in Revelation? It’s beyond human description.

I do so desire to be there. To be with my Lord and Savior. To shed this earthly skin and leave this decaying body.

To be in the dwelling places of the one true and living God.

Amen. And amen.

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