Friday, April 25, 2014

Mercy and Compassion (Psalm 90:13-14)

Today's scripture: Psalm 90:13-14

Oh, how my heart cries the same words as the psalmist: Return , O Lord!

I want so much to shed this earthly skin and see my Savior face to face. Nothing on this rapidly-declining world entices me to want to stay any longer than I have to. Absolutely nothing.

In fact, most of what I see happening in our world makes me want to leave this world even sooner. Depravity. Disregard for others. Blatant sin. Arrogance.

It’s pretty nasty.

But you know something? The psalmist cried out for God’s compassion and mercy. It seems like he hadn’t seen either. Yet we who know God, we who follow His Son, already experience both.

He showers us with compassion regularly. I certainly feel it. I feel it when He carries me through the difficult days. When He holds me tightly in the daily pain. When challenges seem to overwhelm.

And He shows mercy when He forgives us. So often, I fail to do what I know He wants me to do. I neglect Him. I lose focus. I let other things take priority over my relationship with Him. Yet, He is so very merciful.

So while we’re on earth, He shows undeserving compassion and mercy. And one day—soon, I hope—He will return.

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