Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Praise the Lord! Really. (Psalm 71:22-24)

Today's scripture: Psalm 71:22-24

Praise the Lord!

How often do you say that ... and not really think about what you're saying?

We who follow Christ tend to use that phrase or talk about some praise song we sung Sunday morning without much thought.

But when we look at verses like today, we should be convicted by how the psalmist defines praise. He writes how he "greatly rejoices." He "talks of [God's] righteousness all the day long ..." so that those around him are "confounded" and "brought to shame."

Praise to him is a constant focus on the Lord and His attributes. He is overjoyed at the privilege of being able to offer praise and worship to the God of the universe.

Two synonyms for praise are "exalt" and "glorify." Both of these words allude to thinking more about the one being exalted or glorified than oneself. Even more, the psalmist is so focused on praising God that others actually see their own sin ... and perhaps their need for a Savior.

When we offer praise to God, our hearts and minds should be solidly centered on Him. Our aim should be to exalt and glorify Him. We should find great joy in honoring Him.

And as we do, we should pray that others will see the joy we find in the one, true, righteous God.

Perhaps they'll feel led to praise Him too.

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