Thursday, September 25, 2014

Astounding (Psalm 138:6)

Today's scripture: Psalm 138:6

Our God is good. His ways are higher than ours; His thoughts are greater than ours (Job 11:7-8; Isaiah 55:9). He is omniscient and all-powerful. Righteous. Holy. Just.

He is the Creator of all things with no beginning and no end. He is amazing and glorious and beyond true comprehension.

Yet, He chooses to know His creation—at least those who humbly call Him Lord. He "regards" us with love and joy. He looks upon us with fatherly pride. In fact, He invites us to climb on His lap and call Him Abba ... Daddy.

This truth astounds me. Truly.

Who am I that the God of the universe loves me? I am so fallible and fleshly. I fail Him time and time again. I so desire to be the woman I know He wants me to be, but so often I take two steps back for every one step forward.

Yet, He chooses to know me.

To regard me. To love me.


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