Thursday, September 04, 2014

The Gift of God's Word (Psalm 71:17)

Today's scripture: Psalm 71:17

I've written before how grateful I am for God's written word, the Bible. God could have just thrown us into this crazy world and let us fend for ourselves, not really knowing how to find hope.

He's such a good God, though. He inspired a host of writers over centuries to capture history, poetry, prophecy, letters of conviction and encouragement, and a hint of what is to come.

Through His word, we know Him, we know His plan of redemption, we know His love for us.

When we study the scriptures, we are taught by the God of the universe Himself. We learn of creation. We learn of hope. We learn of the Source of strength and peace.

Because we know this God—as much as the created can really know the Creator—we can "declare [His] wondrous works." We can tells others of His blessings in the ancient past and of His blessings today.

How often, though, do we take this amazing gift for granted? I know I'm guilty of just reading the Bible in a quick and cursory way. Instead of rejoicing in the thought that God wrote these words through the pens of men for me, I just read a verse or two and then go on with my day.

Oh, Lord, let me not treat Your word as just another "to do." Let me study and meditate on its truth every day. Let me be inspired or encouraged or convicted. Let me revel in the knowledge that You want to speak to me through it. Thank You for this amazing gift. Amen.

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