Thursday, March 03, 2011

"Everyone Liked Esther" (Est. 2:14a-16)

There a man named Shaashgaz was in charge of the king's wives. Only the ones the king wanted and asked for by name could go back to the king. Xerxes had been king for seven years when Esther's turn came to go to him during Tebeth, the tenth month of the year. Everyone liked Esther. The king's personal servant Hegai was in charge of the women, and Esther trusted Hegai and asked him what she ought to take with her.
(Esther 2:14a-16, CEV)

I would have liked to have known Esther. She seems like a pretty amazing young woman. Dearly loved by her cousin and guardian. Honored by the servants. Well-liked by everyone in the women’s area of the palace.

That last one is saying a lot.

Think about it. There are a lot of women vying for the position of Queen of Persia.

And let’s face it. Women can be somewhat catty toward one another, especially when they’re competing for the same man. I would imagine there were cliques of the similarly-minded. The popular girls’ table. The athletes. The drama queens.

Yet, here is this beautiful young girl whom everyone likes. Not only is she beautiful, she is sweet and caring. I imagine her helping the others with a servant’s heart. I see her encouraging a shy woman who is heading into the king’s chamber. I envision her smile lighting the room.

Because, after all, the light of Jehovah is shining through her.

Even though she doesn’t mention her Jewish heritage, she is still a follower of the one true God, and He continues to work His plan through her.

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