Monday, January 30, 2012

The Lord is My Shepherd (Ps. 23:1)

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
(Psalm 23:1, KJV)

I realized that in the six years I’ve been writing this daily devotional, I haven’t meditated on one of the best known and well-loved psalms. And since I can really use the comfort of the familiar today, I’m not only going to spend the next few days in Psalm 23, but I’m also going to use the translation I memorized as a child. Yes, the language is a bit archaic, but there’s something about the dignity of the King James language that soothes my soul … and it could use some soothing!

So we begin …

The LORD is my shepherd
. And what does a shepherd do? He watches out over his sheep. He protects and comforts them. He lifts them up when they’ve fallen. He keeps predators at bay. And he searches for them when they wander away.

And my Lord does all that for me—for you.

I shall not want. A good shepherd provides shelter and sustenance for his sheep. He meets their needs.

And my Lord provides for my needs as well.

Days like today when I have nothing to give—physically or emotionally—I’m comforted by the reminder that I’m not alone.

My good Shepherd watches over me. He protects me from the enemy. He lifts me up and carries me. He provides for my needs.

Thank You, Lord God, for being my good Shepherd. Thank You for carrying me this day … and every day.

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