Friday, August 24, 2012

Zeal for God (2 Cor. 7:10-13a)

Today’s scripture: 2 Corinthians 7:10-13a

Many of the words Paul uses in these verses are very convicting: earnestness, godly sorrow, zeal, longing …

Yesterday, I wrote of how godly sorrow over our sin leads to repentance. And that repentance leads to salvation. But salvation shouldn’t be the end for us who follow Christ. We shouldn’t be content with the fact of our own salvation.

No. We should be earnestly serving God and zealously following Him. We should long for Him. We should desire His will above all.

And we should be as earnest and zealous about sharing the truth of the gospel with others. We should be so humbled and grateful for what God has done for us that we want others to experience the same.

Yet, how often are we complacent and content to just enjoy our blessings. We go to church (as we should). We read our Bible and pray (as we should). We have our small groups, our Bible study, our Christian conferences. We surround ourselves with other believers.

There’s nothing wrong with these. However, our zeal for God should automatically flow into a zeal to reach others.

And so I have to ask myself … How zealous am I in sharing the gospel? How earnest am I to make sure I’m available to reach others for God? Certainly, not nearly as much as I should be.

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