Thursday, November 01, 2012

Abide In Him (1 John 2:24)

Today's scripture: 1 John 2:24

Do you remember when you first met Jesus? When you asked Him to forgive you of your sins and be Lord of your life? Do you remember eagerly reading God’s word and being amazed how it spoke to you?

Do you remember your “first love”?

Some of us who’ve been following Christ for a while can take the amazing gift of a relationship with God—Father, Son, and Spirit—for granted. We forget what we “heard from the beginning.”

After I rededicated my heart and gave my life completely to the Lord over 19 years ago, I felt that “first love” again. But I neglected time with God and time in His word. For about five years, my faith ebbed and flowed. I found myself falling back in to old patterns, and I realized that I needed to “abide” in God’s word. I needed to spend time reading and studying and meditating. I needed to spend time in prayer. And it had to be every day.

I get so easily distracted, and I know if I don’t spend part of each day with Jesus, I tend to neglect my relationship with Him. I need to abide in Him. And when I abide in Him, I learn more about God’s will for my life.

Are you abiding with Jesus? Every day? May I encourage you to do so? It’ll become the best part of your day. I promise.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this, Sauni.

Sauni Rinehart said...

Thanks for reading, Julie!