Friday, December 07, 2012

Loving Others ... It's Not an Option (1 John 4:20-21)

Today's scripture: 1 John 4:20-21

It’s nearly impossible to truly love and follow God if you have hate in your heart for someone. For a very long time, I couldn’t find my way to really loving God because I held too much hate and unforgiveness in my heart for those who had hurt me deeply when I was a child and young teenager. That hate kept me far away from God for a very long time.

When I finally recommitted my life and gave it completely to God, one of the first things I did—after confessing my sin—was to ask for Jesus’ help to forgive those who had hurt me. Once I did, I can honestly say I was able to love them. With a supernatural love from God.

I realized then what I know now: Loving others—even those who hurt me—isn’t an option. I may not love their actions. I certainly don’t condone their sin. But I can still love them with a Christ-like love.

After all, my Savior forgave His executors as He hung, broken and beaten, from the very instrument of His death.

If He could do that, how can I do anything less than love others?

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