Monday, April 15, 2013

Good or Bad Anger (John 2:13-17)

Today's scriptures: John 2:13-17

The Bible tells us that there is good anger and bad anger. Good anger (or what we often call "righteous anger") is when we become angry or indignant when we see unfairness or undue suffering. We are rightfully angry when children are abused or, as the case of Newton CT, massacred. We should be angry when someone hurts a friend or family member whom we dearly love. And when someone says or does something to malign the name of our Lord and Savior, we definitely should be indignant.

Jesus Himself was angry when the temple was used as a market place instead of a holy place to honor God.

However, when our anger consumes us or causes us to seek vengeance, then we are sinning. God tells us that He is the avenger; we are not (Romans 12:19; Hebrews10:30). When we are angry, for whatever reason, we are commanded to let the anger go and not to let the sun go down with it still on our hearts (Ephesians4:26).

I learned a saying years ago when it comes to anger: "Anger is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die." When we hold anger in our hearts, we're only hurting ourselves. We are letting the person or situation that caused the anger to have control over us.

So yes, there are times when anger is justified. Yet, we can be angry and still not sin. We feel the anger, and then we give it over to God. We don't dwell on it. Jesus overturned the tables in the temple, but He didn't brood over it for days or weeks ... or years. He went on with His ministry.

And so should we. Are you holding onto anger? Release it to God. Don't let it poison your own heart.

Let God take it, and let Him fill your heart with peace instead.

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