Thursday, June 20, 2013

Division (John 10:19-21)

Today's scripture: John 10:19-21

Two days ago, we looked at John 9 and the healing of the blind man. After a brief detour, we return to this story.

As verse 19 of chapter 10 states, "A division occurred again among the Jews because of these words." To what "words" is John referring?

Jesus said quite a bit in chapter 9, but I think John is referring especially to Jesus' words in verses 39-41. As a reminder, Jesus said, "
For judgment I came into this world, so that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may become blind” (v. 39), followed by, “If you were blind, you would have no sin; but since you say, ‘We see,’ your sin remains" (v. 41).

Because they didn't like what Jesus was saying ("your sin remains"), many said Jesus was demon-possessed and insane. They "saw" the law and followed it, point-by-point. In doing so, they considered themselves free from sin. This upstart from Nazareth wasn't going to tell them what to do or how to do it. And instead of listening to Him and believing His words, they called Him—and therefore His words—crazy.

On the other hand, some began to truly see—for the first time in their lives. They recognized that the miracles Jesus performed were unlike anything they'd seen before. Jesus' miracles were good and compassionate. He made life better for those He healed. And, in fact, He even cast out those demons that He Himself was accused of possessing.

So, they asked a very logical question, "A demon cannot open the eyes of the blind, can he?"

Satan and his minions are not all-powerful. They do not have the ability to perform miracles like Jesus did—and does. They might be able to do "magic" here and there, but they certainly don't do anything for anyone's good.

Only Jesus—who loves us more than we can understand—can and will care for us, provide for us, heal us, and protect us. Only He is worthy of our worship, honor, and praise.

Our response to Him can either be to label Him as insane or accept Him as Savior. And after weighing the evidence of His character and deeds, only one logical response remains.

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