Tuesday, June 04, 2013

The One Great God (Psalm 95:3)

Today's scripture: Psalm 95:3

In the days this psalm was written, false religions abounded and so-called gods were worshiped throughout the know world. Man-made gods. Gods that somehow met the spiritual needs of their followers.

But time and time again, the God of Israel proved Himself to be the one and only true God.

It’s the same today. Yes, some religions, like Hinduism, follow many gods. But we have other gods today. The god of money. The god of success. The god of fame. The god of possessions. The god of “my will.”

We worship at the feet of these idols, thinking these gods will somehow meet our spiritual needs.

There is only one great God. There is only one God who is our strength and protector and provider. There is only one God who heals. One God who give grace. One God who loves unconditionally. One God who saves.

The God of the Bible continues to prove Himself as the one and only God. He is above any other god you may worship. He is the God who will shower you with grace and save you from your sins. He is the God who will bless you on earth and welcome you one day into His kingdom.

I pray you know that God. The one and only true and great God.

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