Friday, August 30, 2013

Jesus' Prayer for You! (John 17:13-21)

Today's scripture: John 17:13-21

Before you were even a "glimmer in your daddy's eye," Jesus prayed for you. Before you took a breath, Jesus prayed for you. Before you learned your ABCs and 123s, Jesus prayed for you. Before your first heartbreak, Jesus prayed for you. Before ... before everything you are and do, Jesus prayed for you.

Isn't that amazing?

What did He pray? He prayed the same words for you as He did for the disciples who had walked with Him for three years. He prayed for unity among believers. He prayed for joy. He prayed for protection from the evil one. He prayed for sanctification. He prayed that you would be one with Him and with the Father. He prayed that the world would believe in Him through you.

When I first studied the book of John years ago, I vividly remember reading verse 20 of chapter 17: "I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word ..." I wrote in the margin of my Bible: "This prayer is for all who believe!!" I remember being awed and blessed—and humbled—to think that Jesus prayed for me. For me!

As I meditated again on this verse this morning, I decided to insert my name: "I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for Sauni also who believes in Me through their word ..." It's not too far-fetched to think that Jesus thought of each and every one of us by name when He said these words.

Do it yourself. Insert your name. Jesus prayed for you!!

Seriously. Isn't that amazing?

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