Friday, November 10, 2017

Mercy and Redemption (Exodus 15:13)

Today’s scripture: Exodus 15:13

We who’ve followed Christ for a while tend to use a lot of words that nonbelievers may not understand … at least not in the same way we do. Grace. Faith. Joy. Salvation.

And redeemed.

Redeem is something you do when you use a coupon; you redeem it and get a discount.

For Christ-followers, redeemed means something very different
. Easton Bible Dictionary defines redemption as “the purchase back of something that has benn lost, by the payment of a ransom.”

This is a great definition. We were lost in our sin. One might even say we were kidnapped and held captive by sin. But in His incomprehensible love, grace and mercy, J
esus Christ paid the penalty for our sins. He paid the ransom.

And so we are saved. We are clean.

We are redeemed!

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