Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Secret Faults ... (Psalm 19:12-13)

Today's scripture: Psalm 19:12-13

We live in a world of gray. So many people say that if it doesn't hurt anyone, then it's okay. Cheating is okay unless you get caught. Sex with anyone at anytime is fine if it's "consensual." Lying is just par for the course. Anger held in the quiet recesses of our heart doesn't matter.

Yet, the Bible is clear. Sin is sin. Sin that the world can see and also those "secret faults."

If we claim to follow Christ, we should pray today's verses every day:
Cleanse me from secret faults.Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins;Let them not have dominion over me.
We should stand firm on what the Bible says is wrong. We should, instead, focus on living fully surrendered to glorifying God—in all things and at all times.

I believe if we got up every day with the single desire to glorify God each moment of that day, we would live very, very differently.

I'm not sure where I read it, but an author wrote of his grandmother. They wanted to take her to see a popular movie, and she declined. She didn't object to the content. She merely said, "Jesus is going to come back, and I'd rather be doing something for Him."

This may be extreme, but it's food for thought. What do I want to be doing when Jesus returns? Secret faults? Presumptuous sins?

No. I'd rather be doing something that pleases Him. Wouldn't you?

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