Wednesday, January 30, 2019

My Help and My Deliverer (Psalm 40:16-17)

Today's scripture: Psalm 40:16-17

Praising God, rejoicing in Him ... one of my favorite things to do. And yet, I do often neglect to do so. It's not because I love Him any less; it's just that I get so caught up in "stuff." I was especially convicted of this very thing this morning.

Several years ago, my small group went through Francis Chan's Crazy Love, and one of the study questions asked me to "List the elements in [my] life that keep [me] distracted [from God]. List both good things and bad things." As I went through this exercise, I recognized (not that I didn't already know this) that my distractions stem from pain.
Anyone who suffers from chronic pain or ill health understands what I mean about its being a distraction. When you're hurting, often your focus is solely on "what can I do to manage this pain?" Pain can easily cause a loss of focus. So, when I'm trying to just function, just get done what needs to be done, I can lose sight of God's work in my life. I fail to fall at His feet in praise and worship.

Yet, the irony is that when I feel the worse is when I need to cling to Him the most. I need to cry out in my neediness, knowing that He is my "help and my deliverer."

I can rejoice in Him. I can magnify His name. And, in fact, if I keep my focus on Him, those things that distract me lose their hold. 

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