Monday, January 07, 2019

Saved from Troubles? (Psalm 35:6-7)

Today's scripture: Psalm 34:6-7

A few days ago, I wrote of how God answers prayers. Today's verses might cause a bit of angst in some people. I get that God answers prayers, they say. But one of today's verses says the Lord "saved [this poor man] out of all his troubles." I'm still in a mess of trouble, so is this really true?

Some people go to God's word and pull out a verse and then claim its truths for their own situations ... and then when things don't happen as the verse promised, they then doubt God's entire word.

I believe that God always answers prayers. Always. But we live in a fallen, sinful world, and sometimes, we go through heavy storms. People hurt us. Nature destroys property. We make poor choices. Troubles abound.

So, we cry out to the Lord. Does He hear us? Yes! He always hears our cries. And He always "saves [us] out of all [our] troubles." Really. He does. It doesn't always mean, however, that He ends the troubles. Sometimes, He carries us through the troubles we face.

My chronic pain hasn't ended, and for reasons only He knows, God continues to allow it. Even though my pain is relentless, every day, God carries me through it. He saves me ... every day.

If you're facing troubles today, cry out to the Lord. Let Him hear your voice, your pain. Perhaps He'll take the trouble away ... but if not, be confident He'll carry you through it.

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