Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Hope in God (Psalm 42:11)

Today's scripture: Psalm 42:11

Psalm 42 ends with a question and an answer that have been addressed other times. The question: "Why are you cast down, O my soul?"

Our souls are "cast down" for many reasons. Relationships fail. Jobs end. Health declines. Loved ones leave us. The world continues its downward spiral.

When I wake up every morning to unrelenting pain, when I can't even sleep because of it, it's easy to feel downcast and disquieted. I'm sure you feel the same way sometimes. Even if it's not physical pain that keeps you up at night, I know you often feel discouraged.

It's at those moments that I remember the answer: Hope in God.

I lift my heart and seek the One—the only One—who gives me hope. My hope in God comes because I know He loves me, and I know He has a plan for me. I know each day He gets me out of bed has a purpose.

And so I praise Him. I praise Him for the breath that fills my lungs. I praise Him for a job that allows me the flexibility to rest. I praise Him for a husband who supports me. I praise Him for His word. I praise Him for the hope that comes when I think about eternity with no pain or tears.

I'm sure days will still come when my soul is downcast, but I know that I can—that I will—find my hope in Him.

If you're feeling downcast and disquieted today, lift your heart to the Giver of hope. Search His word for verses that lighten the load, that remind you of the One who loves you more than you know.

Hope in God.

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