Monday, October 15, 2012

God's Pure Light (1 John 1:5)

Today’s scripture: 1 John 1:5

A long while ago, when Russ and I were on vacation, we visited some caverns. I can’t remember exactly where, but I do remember being down in a huge cave, and at one point, the tour guide turned out the lights. I’ve never been in any place so completely dark. No light anywhere. Not one smidgeon (not sure I’ve ever used that word in a blog!).

Complete and utter darkness.

Have you ever experience complete darkness? Either literally or figuratively?

Other than that one time in the cave, I’ve never experienced complete darkness—literally, that is. But I’ve certainly experienced figurative darkness. Sometimes it was of my own making. Sometimes it was because of what others did.

If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you may remember my writing about experiences with sexual abuse. Although the Lord has given me “closure” about those times, I still recall a couple of incidences that were very dark.

You may also know I deal with six chronic health issues, and when all six hit at once—which happens more and more often these days—it can be very dark.

But guess what? I serve a God who is light. Pure light. When I’m suffering, when I’m uncertain, when the path before me seems dark, I can call to Him, and He’ll light my way. Now, I may only see a step or two in front of me, but that’s okay. Because I know He’s beside me, and I can trust Him to provide whatever light I need. For the moment.

If you’re in a dark place right now, call out to the One who is light. He’ll light your path and fill the darkness with His glory.

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