Friday, October 19, 2012

True Followers (1 John 2:3-6)

Today’s scripture: 1 John 2:3-6

As I’ve written before, there are many people who call themselves “Christians.” There are churches that say they’re “Christian” churches. But in reality? They’re liars.

If someone says he knows God, yet he picks and chooses what he believes, he’s a liar. If someone says he knows God, yet he disregards part of God’s word and commandments, he’s a liar. Hey, it’s not me who says this; it’s God.

Those who really know God will keep His commandments. They’ll keep His word. They’ll love God and others. They’ll abide in Him. They’ll walk as Jesus walked.

So, are you a true follower of Christ? Do you believe God’s word as His inspired revelation, inerrant in its original manuscripts? Do you strive to follow His commandments—knowing, of course, that you may fail sometimes? Do you do your best to walk as Jesus walked?

If you truly want to follow Jesus, don’t compromise. Don’t “edit” God’s word. Walk the walk, and talk the talk.

Because the Bible says some will experience a very tragic meeting with God one day: They’ll stand before God, and say, “I went to church. I called myself a Christian.” And He’ll say, “Who are you? I don’t know you.” (See Matthew 7:21-23.)

Don’t let that be you. Believe with your whole heart. Meditate on His entire word, even those passages you don’t necessarily understand—or even like. Follow His commandments. Love Him and others. Serve Him.

And then one day, you’ll hear those amazing words, “Well done, My good and faithful servant.” (See Matthew 25:22-23; Luke 19:17.)

I don’t know about you, but that’s my desire: to live like Christ on earth, and then to stand before my Lord, knowing I loved, honored, and served Him well.

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