Friday, October 26, 2012

Where Is Your Focus? (1 John 2:15-17)

Today’s scripture: 1 John 2:15-17

Our world offers many enticements. Things that appeal to our flesh, that catch our eyes. Wear this, and you’ll look like her. Use this make-up, and you’ll defy age. Drive this car, and you’ll be popular. Ads and commercials depict beautiful, carefree people living just for today.

And sometimes even we Christ-followers get caught up in the hype. But the Bible makes it very, very clear. We cannot love the world and God. Whichever is our primary focus becomes either our God (capital “g”) or our god (lower case “g”).

The Bible makes something else very, very clear: This world and everything in it is temporary. It will “pass away.” In fact, it’s in the very act as I write this. Even many secular scientists say the world is winding down, and we who follow Christ know that, one day, He will return. This world and its lusts will be destroyed, and we’ll live eternally in the new heaven and earth God has planned for us.

So … where is your focus? Are you running after the temporary things of this world? Or are you looking toward eternity? Are you living to serve God? Or the gods of this world?

You have to make a choice. Choose wisely.

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