Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Let Us Worship and Bow Down (Ps. 95:6-7a)

Today’s scripture: Psalm 95:6-7a

These verses offer such beautiful words of praise and worship.

Back in the day, when I was in high school and college—and went to church sporadically—we sang a Maranatha praise song with these words as lyrics. Just these words. Nothing more; nothing less.

We’d sing them quietly, reverently.

At the time, I have to admit I wasn’t always deep-down reverent. I was in the middle of my “two steps forward, five steps back” journey of rebellion, and I often went to church only because it was expected of me. I didn’t always sing these words, really thinking of how wonderful they are.

God is our Maker. He is our Sovereign God. He is all-powerful. All righteous. All holy. He has every right to snuff us out because of our sin and rebellion.

But He doesn’t. Because He loves us so very much, He wants to be in relationship with Him. He wants to provide for us and care for us. Just like a shepherd provides and cares for his sheep.

He picks us up when we’ve fallen. He guides to safe pastures.  He protects us against all enemies.

Because He loves us.

So we can reverently, quietly bow down before Him. Worshiping Him. Praising Him.

Loving Him in return.

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