Thursday, August 15, 2013

Even More Blessings (John 16:7-15)

Today's scripture: John 16:7-15

A couple of days ago, we focused on the blessings we receive from the Holy Spirit, and much of today's verses reminds us of some of those blessings. So rather than repeat myself, I'm going to meditate on just the final two verses.

One of the "functions" (I just have to come up with a better word ...) of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the Son. He is also to "disclose" Jesus' truth to us. The Bible is truth, but it's sometimes difficult to understand. When we ask for the Spirit's illumination, however, we are able to discern truth, and God speaks to us through His words:

He will fully explain everything that may now appear dark or difficult to you; will give you such a knowledge of futurity as shall, in all necessary cases, enable you to foretell future events; and shall supply every requisite truth, in order to make the new covenant revelation complete and perfect. (Adam Clarke Commentary)

Then there's verse 15. Jesus says that "all things that the Father has" are His. This is another claim of divinity. As I've written before, Jesus was clear that He was one with the Father. When we worship and serve Jesus, we are worshipping and serving God. Even more, because the Holy Spirit is also God, we can be confident that He reveal what the Father wants us to know: "As Christ is represented the Ambassador of the Father, so the Holy Spirit is represented the ambassador of the Son, coming vested with his authority, as the interpreter and executor of his will" (Clarke).

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