Friday, August 16, 2013

Weeping ... and Rejoicing (John 16:16-22)

Today's scripture: John 16:16-22

I imagine being one of Jesus' disciples, following Him, listening to His words, watching Him perform miracles. They knew the ancient prophecies of the Messiah, so I imagine their anxiously awaiting His overpowering earthly rulers and taking His rightful place as King of the Jews.

Now, however, they're in the upper room, still listening, but feeling confused. He talked about vines and abiding. He talked about a "Helper." He talked about being persecuted. Now He says He would be going away, and they would "weep and lament" ... but then they'd rejoice.

What? What in the world?

Even though Jesus had told them about His mission, they still didn't "get it." With the gift of the scriptures, we know why He came to earth. Jesus, God the Son, came to proclaim truth (John 18:37), to provide salvation (Romans10:9), to give eternal life (John 3:16), and to demonstrate love (John 13:34).

In God's sovereign plan, Jesus had to die to pay the penalty for humankind's sin. His blood had to be spilled so that we might live. He—the only perfect Man who ever lived—had to die as our sacrifice. His death would indeed cause weeping and lamenting and grieving for His disciples.

Oh, but we know something the disciples didn't that night: Jesus would rise from the dead. He would walk with them for a short time and then ascend to heaven ... and live eternally at the right hand of the Father.

I imagine the confusion of the disciples after Jesus said, "... a little while, you will no longer see Me; and again a little while, and you will see Me." This didn't correlate with anything they believed.

We know the end of the story. We can already rejoice in what Jesus did for us. Even more, we can rejoice in what He will do for us: gather us to Him for eternity.

Praise the Lord!

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