Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Those Who Don't Abide ... (John 15:6)

Today's scripture: John 15:6

I wrote yesterday that we'd spend two days on familiar verses. As I was reading through what I thought I'd focus on today (verses 6-11), I realized that there was just too much to cover in one day, so I'm going to break them up a bit more. Today's focus is on a single verse, but one that has caused quite a bit of controversy.

Jesus said that anyone who doesn't abide in Him would be thrown away, gathered up, cast out, and burned up. What is He really saying? Some say this means that one can lose her salvation. I believe the Bible never says anything about our losing our salvation. On the contrary. I believe that anyone who has sincerely surrendered herself to Jesus and who strives to grow in faith can never lose her salvation. The key is true surrender.

Verses like John 10:26-30 remind us that Jesus gives eternal life to His sheep, His followers, and "no one is able to snatch" us from His hand. Romans 8:38-39 insists that nothing can separate us from us from God's love. Hebrews 7:24-25 states that Jesus "is able to save forever those who draw to God through Him ..."

Finally, since salvation comes through grace and nothing we can do (Ephesians 2:8-9), to say we can "lose" our salvation negates grace because it implies that there is something we do can to not be saved ... This isn't logical.

So, again, what does this verse really mean? We know that one who sincerely surrenders to Christ and accepts the gift of salvation abides in Him. She longs to be with Him. She learns from Him. She demonstrates her faith through the bearing of fruit. So if someone doesn't abide in Christ, what can we conclude? We know that person isn't a follower of Christ. He is, in fact, one who rejects Him. Even though one may call himself a Christian doesn't mean he is a true follower of Christ, so anyone who rejects Him will be thrown away and spend eternity separated from God.

As Jesus Himself said, "Not everyone one who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven ..." (Matthew 7:21).

Those who choose to be separate from God on earth will be separate from Him for eternity. This brings us back to yesterday's discussion of bearing fruit because, again, one way we bear fruit is to share the gospel. We can help others find Jesus and choose Him. Only then will they abide with Him now ... and forever.

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