Today's scripture: John 16:25-33
Ahhh ... John 16:33 ... one of the most encouraging verses in the Bible. Jesus had been speaking to His disciples of so many things as they sat together in the upper room. He commanded them to love each other. He stated outright they'd be persecuted. He warned them of His own death. He didn't pull any punches.
Yet, as He wound up this time of sharing His heart, He gave them these last words that I imagine filled their hearts with hope. The Contemporary English Version renders these words:
I have told you this, so that you might have peace in your hearts because of me. While you are in the world, you will have to suffer. But cheer up! I have defeated the world.Jesus wanted His disciples—both those He was with that night and those who serve Him today—to live in peace, with an all-surpassing peace (Philippians 4:7, NKJV). He wanted them—and us—to know that, even though we would suffer and face tribulations, we could know peace.
Some might read this verse and say, "How can we have peace if we suffer?" I have two responses.
First, when we serve God, fully and completely, and when we trust His will, we live with the confidence that He "causes all things to work together for good" (Romans 8:28). He uses even the most painful moments of our lives for His purpose and our growth. We are not alone in our pain. We can have peace knowing that He is in loving control.
Second, we know the end of the story! Jesus has already overcome the world! Sin has already been defeated! Eternity is already within our grasp. This world and its pain and suffering is temporary; our pain-free, tear-free lives are eternal.
We can have peace and courage when we follow Christ. We can cling to His promises of salvation and eternal life because we know He loves us. More than we can possibly understand.
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