Wednesday, September 25, 2013

An Eyewitness Report (John 21:24-25)

Today's scripture: John 21:24-25

I tell my writing students that there are two kinds of sources: primary and secondary. Primary sources include autobiographies and eyewitness testimonies; secondary sources include biographies and analyses or interpretations. As often as possible, I tell them, use primary sources.

John was an eyewitness to Jesus' tenure on earth. He walked with the Master for three years and was part of His most intimate inner circle. His is definitely a primary source.

He and Jesus ate together, laughed together, cried together.

John saw miracle after miracle: the blind given sight; the deaf hearing for the first time; the lame walking on newly-strong legs ... the dead breathing again.

So when he ended his gospel with the words "we know that His testimony is true," John meant what he said. Everything about which he wrote was true ... because he witnessed it firsthand.

John's gospel is a primary resource, and we can trust his words. And what's amazing about his very last sentence? Even though he wrote a thorough, detailed account of Jesus and His earthly ministry, he didn't capture it all. If he had attempted to do so, "even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written."

I'll admit: I'm sure John was using a literary device we call hyperbole. He was certainly exaggerating, but his point is clear. Mere words cannot contain the wonder of Jesus.

I have to say, however, John did an amazing work. Many people claim that his gospel is a beautiful illustration of Jesus' love for us ... and I agree. We learn more about Jesus' heart and passion for God's children than in any other book in His word.

I pray this journey through the book of John has blessed your heart. It's certainly blessed mine!

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