Monday, September 09, 2013

On the Way to the Cross: Crucify Him! (John 19:1-15)

Today's scripture: John 19:1-15

Pilate gave his verdict: "... I find no guilt in Him." Jesus had done nothing that was deserving of death ... or even of incarceration. To appease the Jewish leaders, he ordered that Jesus be scourged, or severely beaten. Yet that wasn't enough. The Jewish leaders were looking for blood—and that desire was exactly what God required as well.

In what remains a mystery to me, God's plan of redemption requires a spilling of blood. In the Old Testament, that blood came from a spotless lamb. When Jesus, God the Son, came to earth, He came to provide the final sacrifice, the final spilling of innocent blood. Jesus' death covered the sin of all men.

So when the Jewish leaders cried, "Crucify Him," it was part of God's plan. As hard as Pilate tried to placate them and to counter their cries, they insisted, rallying the crowds: "Crucify Him!"

I find it highly ironic that one of their arguments for Jesus' death was that He claimed to be king, and they had "no king but Caesar." This was the very Caesar they wanted to overthrow. They had been looking for a Messiah, an all-powerful Messiah who would conquer their enemies. Definitel
y ironic.

Pilate's arguments fe
ll on the proverbial "deaf ears." So, as we learn from Matthew, "he took some water and washed his hands in front of them and said, 'I won’t have anything to do with killing this man. You are the ones doing it!'" (27:24, CEV).

The chant continued, "Crucify Him!" It was the beginning of the end ... and yet, a new beginning.

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