Monday, September 30, 2013

Make the Lord Your Trust (Psalm 40:4)

Today's scripture: Psalm 40:4

Since the fall in the Garden of Eden, mankind has had idols. Some idols have been of wood or gold or bronze. Others have been of flesh.

We still have our idols today. We hoard our stuff. We pay homage to our credit cards. We revere celebrities or sports icons. We respect the successful in business. We spend more time worshipping at the altar of television or the Internet than we do at the foot of God's throne.

We don't trust God; we trust our things or other people.

Then we wonder why we're so discontent.

Last week, I spoke at a "MomsNext" group about "Joy Stealers," those thing that are lurking about every corner that want to steal our God-given joy. One of those "thieves" is discontent. No matter how much we have, we find ourselves wanting just a little bit more. We envy those with a bigger house, a better car, or a more prestigious career. I told those moms that there are a couple of ways to "arrest" discontentment.

The first is to spend time with those less fortunate than we are. For example, it's difficult to be discontent with our more-than-adequate houses when we volunteer at a homeless shelter.

The second is to trust God. If we believe His word and trust that He has a plan for our lives (see Jeremiah 29:11, AMP)—and we surrender our lives to that plan—then we can rest in the knowledge that whatever we have, whatever we do, is part of that plan.

We really are blessed when we "make the Lord [our] trust." He is faithful and will never let us down. Never.

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