Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Jesus' Voice (John 20:11-18)

Today's scripture: John 20:11-18

I love how Jesus interacted with people. He was always so gracious and merciful ... and understanding of their flaws.

Today's scene is full of sadness ... and joy.

Picture Mary. She saw the Master, the one who released her from the hell of demons, die. She watched them lower His body from the cross. She probably helped Joseph and Nicodemus prepare His body.

Then she spent the next day alternately weeping and trying to be strong for Jesus' mother. It's now Sunday, and she's already been to the tomb, and after running to tell the disciples of Jesus' disappearance, she's back.

She's devastated. The One she loved most is not only dead, but now His body is gone. She doesn't even have a tangible way to grieve.

She stoops to look in the tomb again. Maybe she missed something the first time. Two men in white sit quietly. They're described as angels, but in her grief, Mary thinks of only one thing: Where have they taken my Lord?

It's a tragic scene. A lone woman grieving the One who showed her grace and mercy.

Ah, but then the joy.

She hears a voice, but for some reason, not one she recognizes. Again she asks, "Where is He?" In a moment, everything changes. "Mary," the voice says. And this time, she recognizes it.

It's Jesus!

Her Master, her Lord, has appeared to her. To her! In fact, the scriptures are clear that Mary is the first person to actually see Jesus alive and well.

Can you imagine that moment? Jesus Himself calling out Mary's name?

Now imagine this: Jesus speaks your name as well. He calls you gently and with love, offering grace and mercy.

Do you recognize His voice?

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