Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Crying Out to God

Over the last couple weeks, I've grieved with a sweet friend who lost her forty-two year old sister to an untimely death. I've listened to a dear friend describe how her marriage is falling apart. And I myself have been diagnosed with a chronic disease.

It's times like these when we ask "why?"

Why the pain? Why the sadness?

I wish I could give you an answer that would make it "all better."

I do know this: God is faithful, and all things really do work out for good to those who love God. (Romans 8:28)

And I know that God understands our cries. In fact, He welcomes our cries. Isaiah 58:9 says "Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and He shall say, 'Here I am.'" (KJV)

So if you're hurting today. If you're tired or grieving or sad. Cry out to Him and know that He will hear you. More importantly, know that He is with you.

As He said in Isaiah, "Here I am."

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