Friday, June 11, 2010

He Is God. I Am Not. (Ps. 9:19-20)

Arise, O LORD, do not let man prevail;
Let the nations be judged before You.
Put them in fear, O LORD;
Let the nations know that they are but men. Selah.

(Psalm 9:19-20, NASB)

There’s Steven Curtis Chapman song that says, “You are God, and I am not.” Jehovah God is the Creator. We are the created. He is infinite. We are finite. He is Savior. We are sinner.

Yet, we live in a world where a lot of people think they can be their own gods. They're self-sufficient. They're in control. They’re more than mere men—or so they think. But they're sadly—and eternally—mistaken.

I believe with all I am there is one God and one only. And I believe with all I am He’s the God of the Bible. There is no other. And man (and I’m using the generic “man”) certainly isn’t god—in any way, shape or form. It saddens me that we live in a nation where God has been neglected or forgotten or outright denied. And it may take God’s having to “put them in fear” for this nation to “know that they are but men.”

He’s chastised nations that have rejected Him in the past. He may just have to do the same with us … and perhaps He already is. Financial crises. Political scandals. Oil spills. Hmmm. Perhaps He’s trying to get our attention. And I haven’t even mentioned all the natural disasters we’ve had lately.

We need a reawakening. We need a revival. We need to remember that we are but men.

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