Friday, July 23, 2010

Don't Be Deceived (1 John 2:26)

These things I have written to you concerning those who are trying to deceive you.
(1 John 2:26, NASB)

One of the main purposes of John’s writing this letter is contained in these words. He wanted to prepare his readers for “those who are trying to deceive you.”

And we today need this same preparation. We certainly face deceivers, both religious and secular. Evolutionists “prove” their beliefs. Atheists deny God exists. New age thinkers say you can be your own “god.”

Even more tragically, religious leaders, even those who profess to be Christians, are deceiving us. Maybe Christ wasn’t sinless. Maybe there is another way to find salvation. Maybe everyone really will go to heaven if he’s good enough.

Then there are those who tell us if we give more, we’ll get more. That God wants everyone to be wealthy and prosperous.

Tragic … and immensely dangerous. Sin isn’t really sin. Jesus wasn’t really perfect. There are many roads to heaven. The Bible isn’t the infallible, inspired word of God.

So dangerous because God will not be mocked (Gal. 6:7). He will not be second-best (Ex. 20:3). He expects—and deserves—all our love … heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30).

Beware of those who would try to deceive you. Make God’s word your touchstone. If anything distracts you or tells you something contrary to what God’s word says, run from it. And, as I’ve written many, many times, the only way to know what God’s word does say is studying it and meditating on it every day. I can’t encourage you more strongly.

Because if you don’t know, really know, what you believe, you’ll be easily deceived.

And that really is tragic.

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