Friday, October 14, 2011

God Speaks to Us (Psalm 103:6-7)

The LORD executes righteousness
And justice for all who are oppressed.
He made known His ways to Moses,
His acts to the children of Israel.

(Psalm 103:6-7, NKJV)

During my Bible study on Tuesday, one of the ladies asked about modern-day prophets, those who say they prophesy specifically. Things like, “So and so will be in an accident on October 30.”

That led to a interesting discussion about why God used prophets. The consensus was that God used prophets in the Old Testament to speak to His people. He communicated directly to men He chose to be His voice.

God “made known His ways” through men like Moses, Isaiah, and Micah.

But how does God reveal His ways today? Through His word, the written, inspired account of His-story. We are so blessed to have something His people never had. We can read about how He’s worked. We can learn of fulfilled prophecy.

And even better? We have the Holy Spirit living in us. He is there to speak the words of the Father to each of us. We don’t need to have someone tell us what God is saying.

Yet another benefit to knowing and being in relationship with God!

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