Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Forgiving Others (1 John 2:9-11)

Today’s scripture: 1 John 2:9-11

For the first part of his letter, John focused on loving and serving God. Being Christ’s light. Now he ups the ante.

Living in Christ’s light means more than loving God. It means loving others as well. And John makes it very clear: If we hate someone, we’re walking in darkness.

Hate breeds in darkness. I know. For many years, the hate I harbored for my abusers filled my heart so completely, there was no room for peace or joy … or love. Even more, that hate kept me from my relationship with God as well.

It wasn’t until I could forgive and love—yes, love—those who had hurt me that I was able to truly love God. Remember, forgiveness doesn’t mean agreement or approval. It means taking the burden off of your own shoulders. It means opening your heart to God’s love.

Is there someone you’ve yet to forgive? Someone who’s hurt you? Forgive. And even if you can’t let them in your life (and that’s okay), ask Jesus to help you love them. With His love.

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