Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hardened Hearts ... (Ps. 95:7b-11)

Today’s scripture: Psalm 95:7b-11

God loves us, of that I’m certain. But make no mistake: God is holy and righteous, and He cannot abide sin. He will rightfully judge those who “harden [their] hearts.”

Relatively few people living on the earth today have the right to say they never heard of God and the sacrificial death of Jesus. Not so long ago, I heard that, sometime in 2013, Wycliffe Bible Translators will begin translating the gospel into the languages of the remaining people groups. Within just a few years, every known language on earth will have a translation of the gospel.

Then there will be no one who will be able to say they never heard.

So why are there now—and will be then—so many who will not commit their lives to Christ? Just as the people of Israel did, many harden their hearts. They refuse to see the truth. They don’t want to give up control. They choose to follow their own will. They think the world offers more than God ever could.

And so, just as holy God rightfully judged the people of Israel by refusing to allow a generation to enter the Promised Land, so He will judge those who choose not to follow Him. He will allow them to remain separated from Him, and they too will not “enter into [His] rest”—eternity with Him in heaven.

You’ve heard God’s truth. You’ve heard the good news of Jesus Christ’s payment for the penalty of your sin. Have you hardened your heart? Oh please, hear me: Allow the Holy Spirit to soften your heart, and commit your life to your loving—and holy—heavenly Father.

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