Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Walk in the Light (1 John 1:6-7)

Today’s scripture: 1 John 1:6-7

John doesn’t pull any punches with these verses. And his words are highly prophetic, for we live in a society of “Christians.” Polls still show a high percentage of people in the United States call themselves Christians. But they certainly don’t “walk in the Light.”

But even for those of us who are true Christ-followers, how often do we “walk in the darkness”? How many of us have a hidden sin—or maybe not so hidden? How many of us show one face to our Christian friends, yet yell at our spouses or belittle our children? How many of us serve our community, yet neglect our families? Cheat a little here. Steal a little there.

Habitual sin is “walking in darkness.” And if we practice sin, we’re liars.

I don’t know about you, but I want to “walk in the Light.” I want to have “fellowship with one another.” I want Jesus to shine through me.

And I want to please Him by living as He would. I want to cast off anything that would keep me from being God’s servant. Because how can I do anything less? Jesus died for me, and His blood “cleanses us from all sin.”

So how can I continue to practice sin?

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