Wednesday, April 02, 2014

A Father's Love (Psalm 103:13-14)

Today's scripture: Psalm 103:13-14

Like many of you, my definition of “father” was a bit skewed. My own left our family when I was seven, and I honestly don’t have many memories of him from my childhood. The best definition I had was “distant.”

Because of that, knowing I had a heavenly Father didn’t mean much to me. Now, however, it means the world. I love knowing I have an Abba Father who loves me more than I can imagine.

One on whose lap I can figuratively crawl onto for comfort. One who gives me strength when I have none of my own.

One who knows every hair on my head, who knew me before I was born (Psalms139:13-16).

It doesn’t matter what your earthly father was like. Whether he was a constant presence or nonexistent. Whether he cheered you on or belittled you. Whether he watched over you or abused you.

Your heavenly Father, the Lord God, loves you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah31:3). He will never leave your side (Hebrews 13:5).

He loves you so much He was willing to send His own Son to die for you (John3:16).

So if you’re needing your Abba, He’s there. Crawl up on His lap. His arms are ready to hold you tightly.

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