Friday, April 11, 2014

Strength from the Lord (Psalm 84:5-7)

Today's scripture: Psalm 84:5-7

If blessing comes from finding strength in the Lord, then I am blessed indeed! These days, that’s the only place I can find my strength!

Whenever I’ve passed through the “valley of Baca,” which is translated “valley of mourning,” I’ve found my strength in Him.

And when the spring comes? I still find my strength in Him.

I think relying on God for all strength is the best place to be although, to many, that may sound counterintuitive. Shouldn’t we be able to take care of things on our own? In fact, that’s why many don’t want to commit their lives to God: because they don’t want to give up control.

In reality, though, how much control do we really have? Can we control the weather? That other driver? Our children? Our spouses? Do we have anything to do with the economy? Or the housing market?

When you can get to the place where you rely on the Creator of all things, the one who has a plan for your life (see Jeremiah 29:11, AMP), then you find your strength in the all-powerful One. You find Him worthy of your trust because He is faithful to complete His perfect will in you (see Philippians 1:6).

When you’re weak, find your “strength to strength” in Him. And when you think you’re strong? He’s still so much stronger than you’ll ever be.

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