Thursday, February 19, 2015

For the Unequally Yoked (1 Corinthians 7:12-16)

Today's scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:12-16

Today’s verses are very personal to me. They’ve provided both conviction and encouragement for me for years. I frequently meditate on them when I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by one of the more painful realities of my life: being married to someone who doesn’t share my faith.

I am blessed with my husband. He is loving, supportive, loyal, faithful, trustworthy—a true gem! The only thing about him that is heavy on my heart is his lack of faith.

Even if he wasn’t the amazing guy that he is, though, I’d still be committed to him. Because I’m commanded to do so. The Bible doesn’t give me any “out.” I am commanded to stay with Russ because he “consents to live with [me].”

Those of us who are married to spouses who don’t share are faith are commanded to stay with them, but Paul also gives great encouragement in the final verses. I especially like the New Living Translation’s version of verse 16: “
Don’t you wives realize that your husbands might be saved because of you? And don’t you husbands realize that your wives might be saved because of you?”

I often tell women who are married to unbelieving husbands that God has entrusted to us a great honor. He’s allowed us to play a part in our husbands’ faith journeys. And for me at least, being “unequally yoked” has helped to grow my faith. I’ve investigated other belief systems and my own so I can be completely certain of why I believe what I believe. I’ve drawn closer to God through daily Bible study and prayer. I’ve fully committed my life to God’s will.

If you’re married to someone who doesn’t share your faith, be committed to him or her. Be a Christ-like example. Pray consistently and persistently for his or her salvation.

And live in hope that, indeed, he or she finds Christ because of you.

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