Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Exhortation to Married (and Single) Folks (1 Corinthians 7:1-7)

Today's scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:1-7

In these verses, Paul is clearly gives two messages. One is for married folks, and the other is for singles.

First, he addresses marriage. Marriage is a partnership, and each partner is to “fulfill his (or her) duty” to his (or her) spouse. Frankly, he’s talking about sex here. Each has “authority” over the other’s body, and to use sex as a weapon is wrong. In healthy marriages, each partner should be satisfied with the couple’s sex life. The couple should be in agreement about when, where, and how.

Then, encompassing this message to those married, he writes to the singles. His very first sentence of this chapter shows Paul’s heart: He really thinks that the celibate, single life is more conducive to serving God, and the last verse reiterates this thought. Paul was single, and he “wish[es] that all men were even as [he is].” Again, to be frank, in many ways, he’s right. A single person has more time (and energy) to serve God. He can spend more time in Bible study. He can volunteer more. He doesn’t have anyone competing for God’s attention.

But Paul is very aware that celibacy isn’t for everyone, so, if the possibility of immorality exists, then a man or woman must be married to meet his or her sexual drive.

Paul doesn’t give a middle ground: If you want sex, get married. If you’re going to stay single, don’t have sex.

Simple, isn’t it?

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