Thursday, February 26, 2015

Serving Whole-heartedly (1 Corinthians 7:32-38)

Today's scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:32-38

Paul’s concern is that married people cannot “secure undistracted devotion to the Lord.” And in many ways, he’s right. I need to make certain I’m devoting time to my husband and to our marriage to make certain that most important relationship stays strong and healthy. Yes, if I weren’t married, I could devote that time to God.

Further, for those of you who have children, your time is divided even more. So yes, the unmarried might indeed have more time and energy to serving God.

But that’s not to say we who are married—and even we who have children—cannot serve God whole-heartedly. In fact, serving and caring for our families is, in many ways, serving God. Those of you who are raising children are called to a purpose with eternal ramifications: You are raising your children to know and love God. I’m sure even Paul would agree how greatly important that calling is.

Just because we may not have the same amount of time to spend in Bible study and prayer doesn’t mean that we’re not able to serve God well. In fact, if we’re called to marriage, to remain single would be a sin.

So, going back to previous verses, do as God has called you and remain in that matter. If God has called you to marriage—and perhaps parenthood—then embrace it, stay faithful to your spouse, and serve God with all your heart. And if God has called you to singleness, then embrace that. And take all the extra time and energy with which He’s blessed you—and serve God with all your heart.

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