Monday, April 13, 2015

Love is Not Jealous (1 Corinthians 13:4)

Today's scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:4

Love is not jealous.

I have to be honest here … I sometimes struggle with this one.  I see someone doing something I think I should be doing, and I’m envious. I read Facebook status updates about children or travels or amazing opportunities, and that nasty green-eyed monster raises its ugly head.

I don’t want to feel this way. I want to truly rejoice in the talents and achievements of others. I want to be genuinely happy when others have things I never will.

I really do.

Why do we feel jealous or envious? I think it has to do with contentment—or lack thereof. When I’m discontent with my own life, I’m much more likely to be envious of what others have. Conversely, when I’m content and satisfied with what I have and what I can do, I don’t even think about what others do.

It also has to do with trusting God. If I believe He’s blessed each of us according to His plan, I don’t have to be jealous because I know what I have, what I can do, what I’ve achieved is what He desires for me.

As I write these words, I recognize yet again how very blessed I am. I have a wonderful husband, a great family, supportive friends, several vocations I enjoy. My  husband and I just fulfilled a long-held dream of mine and moved to our newly-adopted state of Tennessee, and we are in the process of finding a new home … one that will be lovely and comfortable.

I have no right—none whatsoever—to be jealous or envious. None. Because when I am, I’m telling God He hasn’t given me enough—when He’s given me abundantly more than I deserve.

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