Thursday, May 07, 2015

A Greater Purpose (1 Corinthians 15:29-34)

Today's scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:29-34

If Jesus Christ didn’t rise from the grave, then everything is futile. There is no purpose, no meaning. If, as some people say, when we die, we die and become worm food, then why bother?

If I didn’t believe there was a purpose to my life, a God-designed purpose, I wouldn’t want to live. Seriously. I watch this world get more and more corrupt. I see the selfishness in its people. I hear the hate and anger. It’s so often not a very pleasant place to be.

And when I wake up in the morning, and the pain is overwhelming, if I didn’t know God would give me the strength to make it through each moment and if I didn’t know He’d use the pain for His glory … well, again, I wouldn’t want to live.

But I do believe Christ rose from the dead. I do believe He lives today. I do believe God has a great purpose for all things.

So I do get up every morning. I do trust in His strength. I do believe in His purpose and plan.

And I look forward to the day of Christ’s return.

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