Thursday, May 12, 2016

I Am Worthy ... and So Are You (2 Thessalonians 1:5)

Today’s scripture: 2 Thessalonians 1:5

Sometimes I feel so very unworthy of God’s grace. Although I know God truly has used even my most grievous mistakes for good, I still sometimes wish I’d made different choices.

And it would be enough that God saved me, that He welcomed me back in spite of the years of heartache I caused Him. But somehow He sees worth in me. He chooses to use me to help grow His kingdom. He allows me to impact lives.

So how can I complain about suffering? Suffering is part of this fallen world. And though I don’t look at my daily pain as punishment for choices I made, I shouldn’t be surprised by it. Pain and suffering are everywhere. I am not immune.

But if I can look at my pain as part of God’s plan for me, knowing that it keeps me more focused on Him and that others are encouraged when they see my faith through pain, then I can accept it and trust God through it.

I believe God has a purpose for all things. I believe He will work all things for good. 

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