Monday, May 09, 2016

Our Faithful God (1 Thessalonians 5:24)

Today’s scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:24

God is faithful. Ultimately faithful. Always faithful.

I know this because He’s been ultimately and always faithful in my life. Even through decades of my rebellion, He has always been faithful.

I look back over my fifty-plus years on this earth, and I see tangible, very real evidence of God’s faithfulness. When I was a young teen and young adult, I made many choices that put me in sometimes precarious situations. Too many times, I should have been harmed—or worse—and yet I was kept safe.

I believe with all I am that, because I gave my heart to the Lord as a six year old, He walked with me even when I rejected Him. And He faithfully protected me through all the valleys.

And since I’ve seen evidence of His faithfulness in the past, I know He’ll faithfully guide me in the future. I know that whatever He calls me to do, He’ll work with and through me to “bring to pass.”

I’ve been able to trust Him in the past. And I can trust Him in the future.

And so can you.

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