Monday, October 22, 2018

Give the Lord Glory (Psalm 29:1-2)

Today’s scripture: Psalm 29:1-2

How often do we really spend time in praise and worship, offering glory to the Lord God Almighty?

He is Creator, Redeemer, Savior. Protector and Provider. Our strength. Our shield. Our refuge.

He is in all, above all, around all.

He is everything. Everything.

But, how often do we just worship Him on Sundays during church. Or maybe during a Bible study. Or maybe during our quiet time.

What do we do the other hours in the day? In the week?

He is worthy of all our worship, honor, and praise. We should wake up each morning and praise Him. We should worship throughout the day.

We should, indeed, give Him the “glory due His name.”

All the time.

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